Carrot Soup

Морковный суп

Ingredients for Carrot Soup recipe:

  • 500 grams of carrots
  • 50 grams of rice
  • 100 grams of onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Salt, to taste
  • Red pepper, ground, to taste
  • Black pepper, ground, to taste
  • Dill, chopped, to taste
  • Sour cream, to taste
  • Vegetable oil, for frying

Recipe for preparing Carrot Soup: Peel, wash, and chop the onion. Peel, wash, and grate the carrots finely. Sauté the onion and carrots in a pan with heated vegetable oil until golden brown. Transfer the contents of the pan to a blender and blend until smooth.

Then transfer the carrot-onion mixture to a saucepan, pour in water and bring to a boil. Add the washed rice, salt, and all the ground pepper, and cook until done. Wash and chop the dill.

Peel the garlic cloves and crush them using a garlic press. Add the chopped dill and garlic to the saucepan, mix well, and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove the saucepan from the heat. Pour the soup into bowls and serve with sour cream.

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